alex verhalle

Alex Verhalle is a visual artist living and working near Brussels. His work involves photography, stop-motion art, graphic design and artworks for selected clients. As a student at Luca School of Arts, Alex started his own business in order to grow and be able to execute professional assignments. Ever since, he has been creating and showing a variety of visual skills on an international level.  Creating visual art like photography, stop-motion art, .. in a personal style and form allows him to reflect the quality of his clients in a professional way using specialized equipment, techniques and software. The power of his passion for music is indescribable. To create and work as a photographer all over the world has a very motivating effect. He keeps looking for innovative ways to make a difference as a photographer in the fascinating world of Techno music. A new approach and the evolution in stop-motion animation has taken him to places around the world he could only dream of at first. His visual world reflects a sophisticated and pure aesthetic vision inspired by the admiration for fine art, architecture and music.
